Wednesday, September 23, 2009

and we're off

you know that boy i live with. i get him all to myself for a week. 7 whole days. no golf clubs, no dove hunting, no sighting in a scope, no scouting for white tail, no target practice. just he and me in our lovely, cozy condo. i'm one happy girl. we are headed up to of my favorite places on earth. it's cool and brisk. and the pinetop lakeside fall festival and arts and crafts show is this weekend. along with the annual run in the pines car show. and a parade. and an antique show and mall. and a trip to springerville to visit a new to me old general store that is supposed to have everything. and thrifting and yard sale-ing. what more can a girl ask for. thanks babe for indulging me. i love you.
update: his clubs and his binoculors are in the car. just in case he said.


Debbie Barber said...

Thrifting? and yard-saleing?? I think I'm going to hurl.... :-(