every day was a full day. here are some highlights.
a doctor's appoitment where my mom received a shot in her left eyeball.
yep, right in the eyeball.
yep, right in the eyeball.
next time i'll leave the room.
but it didn't stop us from shopping and lunching and shopping somemore. good times.
(and take my word for it, be glad i didn't document this event with pictures.)
a sleep over with abelha because we like to hang out together.
the start of the christmas decorating.
bee and i had fun rediscovering our favorite snowmen.
a soccer game with sani leigh.
but i forgot my camera so this tennis pic will have to do until her next soccer game
when i'll be sure to bring my camera.
and her 6th grade soccer team tied with the 7th grade soccer team, 3 to 3.
way to go sani leigh. show them 7th graders who you are and what you got!
a visit from these 3. just because.
this boy. he warmed my bath towel one morning as i was showering.
he knows how much i hate these chilly mornings.
i love living with this boy.
oh and i was in charge of the food for the wedding reception of david and marissa andrews. with the help of some amazing women whom i love and admire beyond words, we cooked and worked and fed more than 175 people. we had asian chicken, peppered tri tip on the grill, roasted red potatoes, raspberry vinegrette salad, and garlic and oregano toast. i was too busy cooking and serving to get any pics of this event.
but it was beautiful and resplendent and classy and divine.
that's just how the andrews roll.
i am a lucky girl to have such a full and satisfying life.

Fabulous and AMAZING week!!! I feel lucky to be laced in the fabric of your life... I'm a lucky girl!
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