Wednesday, September 30, 2009

did you weigh yourself today?

no, i did not. i haven't weighed myself in several years. i have scale anxiety. i won't even get on the scale when i go to the doctor. i just tell them no, i don't do scales. scales lie. and besides, my clothes tell me everything a scale can tell me. but the time has come. i need to get on the scale. a couple of weeks ago i ordered "slim in 6". it came highly recommended from a very good source (as in pamela anderson's butt double. yes, pamela anderson had a butt double.) i have yet to commit to it. but that time is here now too. so i am making a public announcement. i am embarking on a healthy eating, daily exercising, less (notice i didn't say none) diet coke drinking, more water drinking, weight loss program. i began the 2 day fast that is recommended by "slim in 6" this morning. the exercise program will begin at the end of the two day fast and after the boy i live with takes all my measurements. i will also begin leading a walking group on october 5th. every monday, wednesday and friday morning at 6:30 a.m. i will be leading a group that will leave from walgreens on the corner of first avenue and tangerine road. we will walk the path to la canada and back. a total distance of 4 miles. if you want to join us, come on. you will know me by this shirt. i will be wearing it everyday until my clothes tell me its strutting time.

p.s. thank you carol jean. i love you.

my new pocketbook

a couple of months ago i bought a giraffe print weekender bag at nordstrom rack. i've been dying for a pocketbook to match. i found it at the car show. and at half the price of all the other bags this vendor was selling. it was mismarked. imagine that. i wasn't really sure i wanted to buy this particular bag since it wasn't a designer bag (and i have a fetish for designer bags) and i hadn't had a chance to look around at any other giraffe print bags. i asked the vendor "how much for this bag?" "$50.00", she said. "but the tag says $25.00", i said. she shuddered. i said, "if i don't buy this pocketbook right now you're gonna mark it up to $50.00 aren't you". she smiled. i gave her my $25.00. immediately. at once. because there was a very persistant lady standing at my back who kept asking for one just like it. i like my new bag. it's not a dooney. but neither did it cost $395.00. i'm a happy girl. (and the boy i live with is happy too.)

Без перевода.

these three...oh, how they melt my heart.

sash is 13, koll is 13, sani leigh is 12.

i love that they make me laugh...a lot. i love that they call and ask to sleepover. i love that they love to eat my cooking. i love that they love to help me.

they are three very cool kids.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

my heart belongs to pinetop

pinetop has my heart. there is just something about the air, the trees, the smell of this little town that calls me. whenever i am here the draw becomes stronger and stronger. this has been a fabulous weekend. the town was full of all kinds of people with all kinds of art shows, antique shows, craft fairs, the car show, a poker run, a parade. you know all the things that make a small town a small town. pinetop...i will be back.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

a grand day with a tradition in the making

the run in the pines car show may just have to become a tradition! my guy had a blast riding this 1958 cushman to the car show. both scooters got a lot of attention at the show. i personally don't remember them but it seems lots of people do. the show was a blast. and they had the best music! the show didn't accept cars made after 1973 so the music was right up my alley. i sang my little heart out. why tomorrow i might even enter the hula hoop contest. i won it in 4th could happen again. fancy cars, good food and great company. a very grand day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

and we're off

you know that boy i live with. i get him all to myself for a week. 7 whole days. no golf clubs, no dove hunting, no sighting in a scope, no scouting for white tail, no target practice. just he and me in our lovely, cozy condo. i'm one happy girl. we are headed up to of my favorite places on earth. it's cool and brisk. and the pinetop lakeside fall festival and arts and crafts show is this weekend. along with the annual run in the pines car show. and a parade. and an antique show and mall. and a trip to springerville to visit a new to me old general store that is supposed to have everything. and thrifting and yard sale-ing. what more can a girl ask for. thanks babe for indulging me. i love you.
update: his clubs and his binoculors are in the car. just in case he said.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

GQ Boys

wes lincoln, age 5 and andrew david, age 7.

these boys are gonna break some hearts.

as for my heart...they hold it in their hands.

Monday, September 21, 2009


grandchild #7
who is granddaughter #3
abelha danielle
isn't she enchanting? i heart you.

here's why.

a lesson in life

we recently attended the funeral of a sweet man in our ward. his daughter told of one of her dad's favorite pieces of advice to her and how she hated hearing it at the time (but later understood the wisdom behind his words). i found his advice to her to be simple and profound and i've thought on it much since his funeral. his yourself a good day. the understood subject is "you" (meaning me) and the verb is build, requiring action or work. a good lesson. thank you brother latham.

another viva terra fav

a disclaimer: this summer while vacationing in michigan and canoeing down the muskegon river i tipped over the canoe (a story for another time!) which sent my camera floating down river. a gentleman took pity on my wretchedly drenched self and rescued said camera. while the camera was rescued, the picture quality was not. hence my grainy, mottled picture. i'm hoping santa brings me a new one. (hint hint)

i wanted this little number in my kitchen area over the kitchen table. but $'s foam board. so i decided i could make my own using my own foam board, modge podge and old magazine pages.

total cost = $5.50

p.s. it really does look way better than this picture. poor, poor waterlogged camera.

no rainy day monday here

one of my favorite catalogs is viva terra...
so many organic lovelies. here is my idea for this little piece. lose their birds (why are they all facing the same direction?) and replace with two little love birds in the top right hand corner and three little birds in the bottom left hand corner. that would make a right nice representation of my family. and would look so lovely over my bed. i think i see a project on the horizon...especially since i can't afford their $398 price tag! i'll post my version when i get it done. maybe by the end of the year.